[:fr]Press Release
Paris, April 16, 2011
“Mein Kampf” Prevention Initiative
Forum on October 11, 2011 in Paris:
Reflection on the Prevention of the Dissemination of Hate
The Signature of the Appeal to Provide Educational Guidance on “Mein Kampf”
“Mein Kampf”(The Text of Hate), a best seller of incitement to Nazi racist hate, written and disseminated by Adolf Hitler and his followers since 1923 has led to the worst tragedy in contemporary history.
However, in 2015, the economic rights of Adolf Hitler as “the author’ will fall into the public domain. Accordingly, the publication of this Text of Hate will be more possible than ever with all the risks of distortion and misinformation compounded by the expiration of the copyright protection.
In a spirit of vigilance and tolerance, which must be manifested more strongly than ever, it is important to anticipate the consequences of such a publication and to guide the implementation in an educational manner. The idea is not to ban the circulation of the text but to ensure that it is an opportunity to apply the duty to teach in the way that was foreseen by the French Court of Appeals of Paris in 1979.
In fact, in 1979, the Court of Appeals of Paris decided to require a warning of around 10 pages before the French published version. The project championed by the Initiative for the Prevention of Hate Content is the publication with an informative marking of each page, as well as a warning with reference to an annotated edition: www.meinkampfprevention.org .
On October 11th, a first forum will be held at the Maison du Barreau in Paris (place Dauphine Paris 1er) on the subject of the reception of hate content into the public domain.
The purpose is to compel constructive thinking in order to validate the need for such a guided and informative publication and to make recommendations leading to the adoption of a European Regulation, which may be extended to any other country voluntarily, on the disclosure of hate content that will apply directly to all Member States without any additional measure of national transcript to:
i. recall the rules of the moral rights (reserved for the state of Bavaria) imposing a guided use of the text ;
ii. prohibit the possibility to abridge or water-down the text in any version whatsoever, relying on the need to respect the full original text;
iii. adopt an common European educational warning (see the successful French version attached), a water-mark on the pages of the text, a reference to an annotated educational edition once ready;
iv. provide a rational selection of the translations and retranslations;
v. create a European annotated and educational edition allowing an informed access to the text and warning the young generations of the conditions in which the Text of Hate was published and disseminated as well as how the theories were implemented between 1935 and 1945;
vi. put in place a process that studies the reception of the text in the different countries;
vii. initiate a reflection on the diffusion of hate content other than Mein Kampf;
viii. enter into force before the 2015 deadline.
Forum on the Prevention of Mein Kampf:
Forum on the Current Situation of the Dissemination of Hate Content
From 14h to 21h
Tuesday October 11, 2011
Maison du Barreau
Place Dauphine
F-75001 Paris
Program: Films, Debates, Presentation of the Legislative Projet/Signature of the Petition
Information: www.meinkampfprevention.org
The Mein Kampf Prevention Initiative is an educational apolitical nondiscriminatory initiative, bringing together supporters from many fields and many countries.
The Intiative was sparked by a study of the copyright appearing in the Gazette du Palais: http://hateprevention.org/etude-centrale-de-linitiative-gazette-du-palais/.
The initiative brings together personalities from civil society as well as experts.
Members of the Initiative (sample of the list) : Philippe COEN, Corporate Counsel, France, Dominique de la GARANDERIE, Attorney, Former President of the Paris Bar Association, France,Frederic JENNY, Judge at the Supreme Court of France (Cour de Cassation), Chairman of the OECD Competition Law and Policy Committee, Professor of economics at l’ESSEC, France, Marc MOSSE, Former Staff of Parliament, Government affairs expert, France, Ana PALACIO, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Attorney, Former MEP, Former Senior Vice President and General Counsel of the World Bank Group, Spain Charles-Edouard RENAULT, Attorney, arbitrator for the IFTA, France, Experts, Fabrice d’ALMEIDA, Historian, France, Josselin BORDAT, Historian, Journalist, Musician, France Pr. Christophe CARON, Droit, France, Michèle CHALENDON, Interprète, France Pr. Jean-Claude DREYFUS, Historien, Université de Manchester, Grande-Bretagne, Pr. Pascal ETAIN, Law, France, Pr. Marie-Anne FRISON-ROCHE, Law, France, Pr. Yves GAUBIAC, Law, France, Pr. Jérôme HUET, Law, France, Antoine VITKINE, Journalist (Press), author of a documentary on Mein Kampf and the author of the book: “Mein Kampf, l’histoire d’un livre” (Mein Kampf: The History of a Book), Flammarion, Paris 2009, France, …)
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